3 Ways Martial Arts Software Helps Plug Revenue Leaks in your Business

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3 Ways Martial Arts Software Helps Plug Revenue Leaks in your Business

Warning! If you are currently using paper records or Excel to manage your martial arts business, this article may make you squirm.Fact:Paper files and spreadsheets do not a successful business make.

They are short term, unscalable solutions. Annoying too. More importantly, they can often hide underlying weaknesses within your business which could be undermining your growth. The good news is that it's easier than you think to solve this problem. All you need to do is implement a reliable system to consolidate and properly track all aspects of your business.

There are many systems out there that are designed to expose the strengths and weaknesses of your martial arts business and allow you to stem the bleeding. Clubworx is one such system.

One of the most common losses in a martial arts business without a system is revenue leakage. This is money you are NOT receiving because your current tracking mechanisms are inadequate. The presentation below details how martial arts software can help you better track your revenue and avoid your hard-earned money slipping away.In summary these include:

A dashboard of your key business metrics

It may sound too simple to be effective,  but seeing the information trending over time provides a great deal of insight into where you are losing money. Do you have high levels of non-payers? Are they trending up? Martial arts management software can help you see your business and identify areas for improvement in a single snapshot.

Automatic payment collections with reminders and automatic follow-up

If you are collecting all of your membership or session payments by cash or at the point of sale, you are going to lose out in the long run. People forget to pay or don't have their card with them when they come in, and suddenly you have to track that payment and follow up to collect it. That problem can be significantly reduced by collecting recurring payments as agreed with your customer when they sign up with your service.

Accurate customer billing month to month

When you use a system to collect your payments, everything is always up to date. Missed payments are flagged and don't slip through the cracks. Imagine having 2-3% of your payments just forgotten every month because your paper recording system is not updated correctly. That can easily add up to thousands of dollars in revenue lost every year for no reason. Clubworx provides martial arts clubs and studios with an easy to use, scalable system that manages the important activities within their businesses.

Check out a full list of our features here!

3 Ways Martial Arts Software Helps Plug Revenue Leaks in your Business
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3 Ways Martial Arts Software Helps Plug Revenue Leaks in your Business

Warning! If you are currently using paper records or Excel to manage your martial arts business, this article may make you squirm.Fact:Paper files and spreadsheets do not a successful business make.

They are short term, unscalable solutions. Annoying too. More importantly, they can often hide underlying weaknesses within your business which could be undermining your growth.The good news is that it's easier than you think to solve this problem. All you need to do is implement a reliable system to consolidate and properly track all aspects of your business.

There are many systems out there that are designed to expose the strengths and weaknesses of your martial arts business and allow you to stem the bleeding. Clubworx is one such system.

One of the most common losses in a martial arts business without a system is revenue leakage. This is money you are NOT receiving because your current tracking mechanisms are inadequate.The presentation below details how martial arts software can help you better track your revenue and avoid your hard-earned money slipping away.In summary these include:

A dashboard of your key business metrics

It may sound too simple to be effective,  but seeing the information trending over time provides a great deal of insight into where you are losing money. Do you have high levels of non-payers? Are they trending up? Martial arts management software can help you see your business and identify areas for improvement in a single snapshot.

Automatic payment collections with reminders and automatic follow-up

If you are collecting all of your membership or session payments by cash or at the point of sale, you are going to lose out in the long run. People forget to pay or don't have their card with them when they come in, and suddenly you have to track that payment and follow up to collect it. That problem can be significantly reduced by collecting recurring payments as agreed with your customer when they sign up with your service.

Accurate customer billing month to month

When you use a system to collect your payments, everything is always up to date. Missed payments are flagged and don't slip through the cracks. Imagine having 2-3% of your payments just forgotten every month because your paper recording system is not updated correctly. That can easily add up to thousands of dollars in revenue lost every year for no reason. Clubworx provides martial arts clubs and studios with an easy to use, scalable system that manages the important activities within their businesses.

Check out a full list of our features here!

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