
We give you the best tips and tricks to optimise your fitness business whether you're new to the game, an industry legend or just a passionate enthusiast.

Sales + marketing

Everything about boutique gyms and their future

Boutique gyms have been around for a while now but what exactly are they and how are they different to a regular gym?

Starting a business

How to market to different types of people at the gym

Want to be more customer-inclusive in your gym marketing? Consider how to market to different gym-goers.

Member management

What types of insurance should you have when running a dojo or gym?

Insurance can be a dry subject for gym owners. But operating a gym without it can be risky. Know the different types of insurance and why you might need them as the owner of a dojo or gym.

Sales + marketing

Should you use free trial memberships or discounts for your gym?

It can be hard to know what works when taking on marketing strategies for a gym, studio or dojo. The competition is all doing similar free trials or discounted rates for new members, so which works better?

Sales + marketing

How to set up business goals for your gym in 2022

Learn what you can do to increase revenue and create sustainable growth for your gym in 2022.

Member management

How to navigate vaccine mandates as a business

Find out how you can support your employees and members at your gym, studio or dojo as COVID-19 vaccination rates go up.

Sales + marketing

5 easy intro offers for your gym or dojo

Clear the hurdle of attracting new members to your gym or dojo with these 5 simple promotional ideas.

Sales + marketing

How to pivot your gym or studio during a pandemic

You don’t need to reinvent the wheel during a pandemic. Explore ways to not only survive but grow your gym or studio during challenging times.

Sales + marketing

5 tips for building a studio website

Whether it’s for booking classes or educating clients on training and technique, it’s important to have your dojo or studio website working seamlessly.

Sales + marketing

What to focus on during a crisis for business owners

A crisis can test a leader. So what can you focus on as a business owner during a crisis to come out stronger on the other side? Find out now.

Member management

6 must have features for your membership app

Use this checklist to make sure your membership app is performing for both you and your customers.

Sales + marketing

5 reasons you need a custom branded membership app

Set yourselves apart from your competitors and improve your connection with customers using a custom-branded membership app.

Member management

How To Teach Martial Arts To Children

Martial arts is one of the fastest growing sports for children. Why not extend your martial arts portfolio to teach kids? Find out how now.

Starting a business

How To Write A Martial Arts School Business Plan

Explore this comprehensive guide to writing a kickass business plan for your dojo now.

Starting a business

Lodging A Tax Return For Your Fitness Business

Want to know more about lodging a tax return for your business? Discover top tips and what your fitness business can claim this end of financial year.

Member management

How martial arts management software can help you

If you aren’t using martial arts software to organise your dojo, you’re wasting valuable time. With the right tools, your admin issues will be a thing of the past.

Member management

8 things parents want from a martial arts dojo

With a few handy tips, it’s easy to show parents that your kid-friendly martial arts dojo is the one to trust. Discover a few now.


How COVID-19 changed the fitness industry – and what you can do to stay on top

Discover the impact of the pandemic on the fitness industry and ways to get back on top.

Member management

How To Grow A Martial Arts School

Find out what you need to know to grow your martial arts school and maintain your business, with time to spare for what you love – teaching martial arts.

Sales + marketing

8 Numbers To Track For Your Fitness Business

We list some essential business statistics you should keep track of to monitor the health of your fitness business, and grow it.

Starting a business

How Much Does It Cost To Run A Dojo?

A dojo is a place to learn martial arts, like karate, judo, taekwondo, or aikido. Here are the facts on how much it costs to run a martial arts business.

Sales + marketing


The importance of trackable, repeatable sales processes

See how Clubworx can help boost your sales results through prospect management